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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  March 17, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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four number one teams and don't pick too many upsets and this year, don't pick dukes. >> harris: really? my husband will love that, he's an arizona wildcats fan. and who is on top? remind the audience. >> louisville number one seed, gonzaga, kansas, and-- i'm drawing a blank here, oh, we have, oh and indiana sorry, i didn't pick indiana to go to the final four. >> harris: you didn't. and you're saying don't pick duke. any other tips before we move on to baseball? >> don't pick too many upsets and watch out for atlantic, i like virginia commonwealth and st. louis watch out for them. >> harris: the u.s. is at a world baseball classic and this is kind of key and a lot of people thought maybe they'd do well, but you say they couldn't because a lot of players didn't go. >> bad news for the mets fans, david wright got hurt preparing for the world
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baseball classic and others turned down invitationings, justin verlander, mike trout and frankly their clubs pay them and not their countries. they wanted to get ready for the season. >> harris: who is in the finals. >> japan, heavily favored and the dominican republic on the other side. >> harris: so you're making a case why they don't go because they can get hurt and obviously with david wright, that's an example of that. >> you bet. >> harris: i'm glad that the olympics don't work that way, otherwise we'd never have an olympic team. >> there's more history there. this is only the third world baseball classic. we'll he see, as time goes on maybe the u.s. will put more important. >> harris: your inaugural visit here, and peter schrager is on the road and thank you for pinch hitting for him. >> hopefully i got a bunt single. >> harris: people can read more, the report for wall street journal. >> and
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>> harris: nice avatar, by the way, nice picture. good to see you. and that's how fox reports on this sunday, march 17th, 2013. we're all irish on this day, so happy st. pat's day. huckabee starts in three seconds. have a great week. >> tonight on huckabee. >> you think he realizes that being campaigner in chief is not working. >> after blaming the g.o.p. for years, the president is now playing nice, could it be because his poll numbers are on the decline? >> this is just an effort to create an image of bipartisanship. it will not bear fruit. >> senator lindsey graham on the charm offensive. >> and house republican urging the president to work with them on a balanced budget. >> if week find the areas to agree on why not just work on those? >> and why that's not good enough for obama. >> plus, should the republican party take a different direction to attract women and minority voters?
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>> we need to call out the hypocrisy on the left. >> ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. [applaus [applause] >> thank you very much and happy st. patrick's day weekend to everybody. i wore the tie just for the occasion, only weekend of the whole year i get to wear it so i hope you like it. welcome to huckabee from the fox news studios in new york city. my first trip to israel occurred nearly 40 years ago in july of 1973, just a couple of months before the yom kippur war, i was just a teenager at the time. i've been going back ever since and when i visit israel i always purchase a palestinian map and ask the people i take there to open the map and show me where israel is. israel is not on the map. interesting, isn't it? . israelis are asked to make peace with a people who refuse to acknowledge their
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existence. a security wall and before it was erected it was common for them to put bombs on their bellies and until that wall the acts of terror have virtually stopped. shall we condemn those who wish for peace in their neighborhoods, for their children to be able to play in a park, for their wives to visit a cafe or a supermarket without the fear of being blown up by a terrorist? we would never tolerate in our city, but the people have been asked to accept. i've seen thousands of rockets stacked behind the police station. israelis fear every day that a katusha rocket might land on the bedroom, on the parks where they play, the school they attend or synagogues where they worship. how many bombs from toronto to buffalo before the government demand that we stop it. >> 5,000, 300, 100.
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>> no, one rocket is all it would take. now, the israelis have been asked to just let it go. anybody who wonders have a safe haven for jews is necessary? they ought to ask me, i'll tell you what i've learned from the spoorns thexperience t january and i sat in the place where 1.1 million jews were murdered in cold blood and chills came over me and i prayed the world may never, never forget what happened. when i visited the museum in jerusalem a tcouple years ago, a brutal reminder what happens when politicians make decisions that don't involve their brain. when people waun their homes, it shows a level of naive taye that makes chamberlain look like churchill.
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you can't negotiate with people who don't think you have the right to exist. our secretary of state visited egypt and handed over a check 250 million dollars when we're ending white house tours. and why are we giving f-16's and abrams tanks, and the president associated with terrorist organization and publicly called jews blood suckers and the descendents of apes and pigs. the president will be going to israel next week and it's important that the american people give him a message rather he give the israelis a message. mr. president, america stands with israel because it's a mirror image of freedom and democracy. before you ask israelis to give up land, ask the palestinians to give up terrorism. in the meantime, tell the israelis to build as much as they can and tell the palestinians if they don't like it, they can recognize
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the right of the israelis to exist safely and securely within their god given biblical boundaries. that's probably never going to happen so i say pour the concrete, build the houses and let israel be strong. [applause] a new poll shows the president's approval rating a 5% drop since the beginning of the second term just two months ago and the same shows 52% of americans disapprove of the way he's handling the economy. the president is now making an effort to reach out to republicans by meeting with them several times over the past couple of weeks. but you have to wonder, are his efforts sincere? i asked south carolina senator lindsey graham earlier. >> the president has spent more time on capitol hill meeting with republicans just in the past week than he has for the previous four years, so, senator, what's up? >> i don't know. there's old saying in the
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south it doesn't matter how you find religion, as long as you do. i don't know if it's the drop in poll numbers or wants a legacy arealizes you can't have one without talking to republicans. either way it's a constructive thing. >> you can't govern if you don't have relationships and can't have relationships if you don't look at each other face-to-face and spend time together. may not always be pleasant, but it's got to be done and are you convinced-- you're one of the senators that had dinner with him thursday night at the hotel, is he being a work horse or a show horse? >> that's the ultimate question. time will tell. he asked me to put the dinner on, so, i did, i picked some republicans thought would be interested talking to the president. i know many more would have been interested. we're kind of limited number so i picked republicans i thought the president would enjoy talking to. if he's going to be a work horse he and his administration have to get in
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the room with the republicans to find a way to solve our budget problem. you can't do this campaigning, and i think he realizes being campaigner in chief is not working and if this is just an effort to create an image of bipartisanship, it will not bear fruit. he's got to get in the room and that's what i told him. >> and well, there's also an indication he's holding fast that there's got to be more revenue on the table and even they republicans have given up 600 billion dollars. >> right. >> just six weeks ago and are pretty much saying you've got your taxes and now we want to see spending cuts. are those two positions in concrete and intractable? >> i don't think so. the only time i would flatten the tax code and i think that's a good idea, by the way, to eliminate loopholes and deductions, what do you do with the money? i'd like to put some money on the desk and buy down tax rates, particularly the corporate rate to create jobs. we need economic growth. to do that he's got to embrace
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entitlement reform. social security and medicare are going bankrupt. there are 10,000 retiring every day, medicare and social security are unsustainable. if the president will help me save medicare, social security, and reform medicaid i will flatten the tax code, but not doing one without the other. i'm looking for the biggest spending cut in the history of the country along with reforms to save medicare and social security from bankruptcy, then i'll do revenue. >> for the first time since the benghazi incident, we're beginning to find out at least a little something about the . six and a half months is a long time to begin getting any information about what happened and you've pressed harder than anyone else at the u.s. senate demanding answers. are you beginning to get some of those answers? >> absolutely, but you nailed it about the survivors. you've got to remember, this administration leaked every detail of the bin laden raid. they told us about the pakistan, pakistani doctor who helped who is now in jail and
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told us about seal team six and refusing to give us the identity of the survivors and allow them to come to congress to be interviewed. i will do one of two things, write a letter to the secretary of state asking him to voluntarily release the name of the survivors to congress, urge my house members to subpoena the survivors, they have to power, if we don't, and the republicans, and i'm going to hold up the business of the senate until we get the survivors on record. i've talked to a couple, and their story is chilling, they're scared to death to come forward without some institutional support. >> the president is going to israel next week. a lot of things about the trip and will he go and lecture the israel about ceasing settlements in judah and shouldn't he tell the palestinian, it's time for them to recognize israel's right to exist before there's movement forward? >> if you're an israeli leader
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who do you talk to in palestine, the hamas organization who lobs rockets at your children and that part of israel a terrorist organization in charge of part of the palestinian territory. so what i would suggest the president do, is tell the palestinians that you've got to unify and tell hamas you'll never be recognized as a legitimate representative of the palestinian people because you're a terrorist organization wreaking havoc throughout the region. who does israel negotiate with, mike? you've got the palestinian community split in two. i'm glad the president is going, but if he doesn't reassure the people of israel that we have their back against iran, it's a wasted trip. if he doesn't tell the palestinians, no country will negotiate with you as long as you have a terrorist wing in your part. >> it's always a pleasure to visit with you, and we appreciate you coming by today. >> thank you. >> the government's goal is to
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expand health care to americans, but dr. marc siegel says the government instead expanded insurance which in turn is having a negative impact on health care, he'll join us next. >> i'd like to hear from you, go to my website, and tell us what you think in the feedback section or sign up for my facebook page and find a to that and more. ccident, allstate sends a check. silence. are you in good hands?
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ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. (applause) >> as a doctor, my next guest made it pretty clear he's the not a big fan of obamacare as well as the impact on providers and patients. now with additional cuts to medicare because of the sequestration, he says medical professionals are living on the edge. joining me is dr. marc siegel of the fox news medical a-team. all right, doctor, it's great to have you here and i want to talk about this medicare cut because a lot of people don't understand that one of the plans of somehow balancing the
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budget is to cut the payments to doctors, hospitals, rehab centers. how does that help improve health care? >> well, i don't think it does, governor. the secret of medicare is that we're already living on the edge with medicare, both doctors and patients are on the edge. why? because we all know, doctors all know when we see a medicare patient with all due respect to our seniors out there. medicare patients tend to have more problems, a longer laundry list, take longer time for me to take care of, need more technology. we always liked medicare because it doesn't restrict us. but for the solution that we're not allowed to order and the more time it takes and less we're paid, that 2% makes a big difference, even 2% because our fees are cut across the board and our expenses are going up. >> mike: with obamacare, one of the factors is there are very specific things that are covered and the not covered. so, in a way, is obamacare sort of preempting your
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ability to practice medicine and giving you a list saying can't do this, but you can do that. >> for the small group that doesn't have insurance obamacare has an advantage. but for those of us who do, so-called preventive services, everyone should have birth control, colonoscopies and mammograms. i'm worried about the high-tech solutions, chemotherapy, and just to give you one examination, high-tech solutions are really important to us and to our patients and they're going to be in jeopardy. >> mike: another factor we're just learning is that every employer is going to have another $63 per employee added as an extra tax on the provision of obamacare. these costs have to be passed on somewhere or they have to be cut from what doctors and other providers are going to get. how is that going to affect the impact on a patient?
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>> governor, i want to give you an idea what kind of money we're talking here. united auto workerses $63 dollars evens millions. and boeing, employees dependent on the the insurance means 25 million dollars, an enormous amount of money for a company to handle. of course, that gets passed onto the consumer either in terms of higher premiums or dropped policies. >> mike: you know, there are a lot of doctors who are just getting out of medicine and not that many coming to he replace them. we're about to add tens of millions of new people to the health system. if you were having to make the decision to start medical school today and knowing obamacare and trends we're facing, would you do it? >> governor, would i do it. you know why, because i love medicine. a the lot of people wouldn't do it. and throughout my residencesy and training and i've talked to a lot of doctors who said you know, if they make it
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harder for me i might not be able to do it or might find ways to work with it, might cherry pick their patients or pay cash only. you want somebody to operate on my brain, pay somebody to do it. >> mike: what can the average american do to protect himself against what may be very restrictive obamacare terms? >> i think the most important thing we can say to people today is can we somehow move the direction into out of pocket, health savings accounts. get a tax advantage for paying not what i call nonessential services. if you come to see me for a common cold, you don't want insurance to cover that if you're in the middle class. because if insurance covers it, your premiums are going up. we need more payment out of pocket. what's not reported enough is that a lot of countries that have universal health insurance, they have a much more of a-- the patient having skin in the game and that's what we need here. >> i'm afraid that nancy pelosi was right on one thing, we'll know what's in obamacare
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after we pass it. >> after we've suffered. >> mike: very well said. dr. marc siegel, great to have you here. a new york cop is facing life in prison for basically having sick thoughts like cannibalism. is that the proper sentence for somebody who hasn't hurt anyone else? and i'll discuss the case with "the five"'s kimberly guilfoyle next. anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. live the regular life. phillips'.
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>> a former new york city police officer faces life in prison after a jury found him guilty of conspiracy to kidnap as well as illegal use of data bases. he's been dubbed the cannibal cop by the new york media and convicted after he sought advice how to kidnap, torture
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and eat several women, including his wife, as well as old college friend. he used a police data base to look up information on potential victims. the defense seem says he was fantasizing and didn't act on his thoughts saying no women were hurt. but it caused a debate whether defendants ought to be convicted based on intent. and joining me live is kimberly guilfoyle who was assistant district attorney in san francisco. >> if you had your role of district attorney and the case came before you, would you prosecut prosecute it in the same way. >> and this is someone they truly believe is a menace to society and is dangerous and should be put away. the key, how do you go about doing it lawfully.
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the fredefense would say it's a thought crime. he did not act it out. the law does not allow someone to sit and fantasize ideas like this and commit the act before you prosecute him. the idea is to get him before they commit the crime. preempt it. they prosecuted him under a conspiracy theory two or more people get together and talk about an idea they have and there's an act. are there steps taken towards completing. conspiracy to kidnap. writing online and target victims including his wife, one woman in particular he was going to be paid $5,000 it kidnap her and then carry out his plot. so the law says that's enough. they had sufficient evidence to prove this beyond a reasonable doubt and the other is accessing the federal data base. he was going through the nypd computers to find home addresses for the victims he was seeking out. >> i would understand he would
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be prosecuted on the conspiracy charge and as well as mining through the data bases. is a life sentence appropriate for someone who has not carried out a crime that normally would warrant a life sentence? >> that's the part because it's prosecuted federally that they were able to get some pretty tough sentencing guidelines. so he can be held up to life, but he has the ability to be paroled. what they'll do, they'll take a look at his past background, has he committed any other crimes? what is his psychological background, do tests and examinations on him and come to a determination what they feel is a suitable sentence. the prosecutor, you can tell the way they came after the guy, is dangerous, carrying out more than fantasizing, he got caught before. >> mike: it's extremely sick. given the possibility. let's say somebody writes a novel or screen play and come
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up with wild ideas of cannibalism, not too wild, remember the movie silence of the lamb and the subsequent sequel of hannibal lechter. and they've thought these things and imagined these things. i mean, it gets a little dangerous to sort of violating first amendment rights of people who think crazy things. >> he had co-conspirators, and there is he' another man behind bars, he wasn't alone fantasizing before his computer. what we see are novel prosecutions and they're able to get forensic data, through your online, and e-mail and use that against you in a court of law. it's not justoughts, it's specific conduct, actions, reaching out to someone else and planning and putting the steps together. gathering the materials to do it. looking up and finding that book on chloroform, how he was
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going to knock out the women before he was going to kill them and eat them. do i think ultimately he'll get life? he'll come up for a heavy sentence and see what happens while incarcerated to see if he remains a risk to society. if he's been rehabilitated or not. >> mike: he sounds like a very sick person. i'm not sure he ishe's as matcu psycho, and maybe that's where this case needs to go. >> the purpose is not just punishment, but rehabilitation if somebody has these medical or mental issues that need to be addressed. you don't just want to incarcerate someone if they need to be on medication, psycho tropic drugs or seeing a psychiatrist regularly. hopefully he gets that help in prison so if he gets out he
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will not reoffend or commit a crime. >> i don't think we let him out until he pledges to be a vegetarian. >> do you want to take the chance? >> i don't think so. >> thank you. >> mike: several republican lawmakers meeting the president behind closed doors and urging him to support their plan to balance the budget over the next ten years. oklahoma congressman james langford was one of those. he joins us next. re not white, you're yellowing. crest whitestrips whiten as well as $500 professional treatments. guaranteed. crest 3d white whitestrips.
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>> live from america's news headquarters, i'm harris falkner. new fallout from the deadly september 11th terror attack at the consulate in libya next year and reports of benghazi survivors reportedly recovering in washington. being told to keep quiet about what happened. south carolina senator lindsey graham telling the obama administration is refusing to release the identity of the survivors or allow them to appear before congress. the installation of pope
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francis as the new leader of the catholic church officially two days away. today francis giving the crowd a thrill stepping outside of the gates to mingle outside security. look at that. kissing children and greeting people to a chorus of boisterous cheers and as the pope breached the normal perimeter. i'm harris falkner and now back to huckabee. t the stories you want >> mike: after releasing the budget for fiscal year 2014, house republicans are challenging the president to release his budget. here is how the president responded earlier this week. >> we're not going to balance the budget in ten years, if you look at what paul ryan does to balance the budget, it means that you have to voucherize medicare, you have to slash deeply into programs like medicaid. my goal is not to chase a balanced budget just for the
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shake of balance. >> a lot of the republican congressmen met with the president last week was oklahoma's james langford who joins us now. congressman, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> mike: when you met with the president this week you were one of the congressmen and you pressed him about a balanced budget, he didn't seem at that interested, did he? >> he did not. i asked him if we could find common ground, one of the key areas would be a balanced budget. we may disaagree on the method, but at least on the principle, our budget should balance. it was the crown jewel of the clinton administration that they could work with a republican house to finally come to a balanced budget and i don't understand how we couldn't do that now. he again reiterated did not feel that a balanced budget goal, and i couldn't imagine saying to the nation we're going it spend what we have and try not to oversped. >> mike: let's listen to a clip from 2008, during the
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campaign, seemed to have a different attitude about balancing the budget. >> number 43, added 4 trillion dollars by his lonesome so we now have over 9 trillion dollars of debt that we are going to have to pay back. $30,000 for every man, woman and child. that's irresponsible, it's unpatriotic. >> mike: you know, congressman, i get the impression that he felt it was unpatriotic with a 9 trillion dollars debt, but a 17 trillion dollar debt suddenly moves us back to patriotism. i'm confused at what point between 9 and 17 trillion of money that we owe did we get to be patriotic again? how do we deal with a mindset that completely changes the rules of the game? >> i don't know. that's the challenge as republicans, saying we have areas of common ground and should be be spending and balancing our budget and back within our means and the
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statement that president bush added 4 trillion in eight years, we're 6 trillion. and what people don't understand is the acceleration of interest payments. the president says as long as we make the interest payments we're doing fine. the challenge right now 224 billion dollars a year in interest. cbo estimates within ten years, 857 billion dollars in interest. that's more than we paid for the entour war in afghanistan in 12 years, and this is just within ten years. this is very serious and we have to deal with it. >> you told the president a story out of the bible in your meeting with him. i'm not sure if i totally understood. the story of king hezakiah, tell us what you told him and how it related to washington today? >> i think the clearest example in the scripture, was king hezakiah, was respected
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and helped to protect the nation at that time. at theened of his time as king he did some pretty foolish things that set up the nation to collapse after that. isaiah comes and confronts him, it will cost captivity of the nation and downfall, some of your own children go into slavery and his response was, what you said is good, it won't happen in my generation. to me it's a chilling effect in washington. we're trying to do everything we can to overspend and stabilize the economy without concern over the next generation what's happening. and even with the president, this is serious, we understand you love the nation so do we. we can't look at the now generation, we have to look at ten years from now, 20 years from now, 30 years from now, if what we do now destroys the nation in ten years, this is the not wise leadership and my challenge to the president, we want you to be a wise leader. look at now and that's why we feel balancing the budget is an important thing.
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we overspend now and destroy our future, that's not which is is wisdom. >> he was stoic, but he's going to have to think about t i'm sure it surprised him, a biblical example where we need to go. but a lot of things to learn from scripture, both in governing and our families and our government. >> got the impression probably didn't hear that story from reverend wright from chicago somewhere along the line. >> probably the not the same. >> probably not. >> congressman great to have you here. >> thanks. [applause] the mainstream media is saying that the g.o.p. has to move to the middle. they say they have to do that to attract female voters. coming up, i'm going to ask republican women if that narrative is true or if it's just media talk. stay with us. treatment for low t,
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>> each weak day (applause) >> the minority overwhelmingly voted for democrats in the last election cycle. what should the g.o.p. be doing. both women spoke at cpac the past couple of days, and mary
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anne duffy married to shaun duffy, and works for opportunities for hispanics and crystal rice, editor of conservative black great to have both of you with me. >> great to be here. >> start out, both of you were on panels at cpac and there is he' all this talk, well, women, are going to vote against republicans unless they change and move to the middle and abandon things like the pro-life plank. is that true? >> absolutely not. i think the policies are right. i think what the problem is is some of the messaging and so, there's actually a really great opportunity for them to be the party that doesn't patronize women and think that all they care about are reproductive issues. they care about gas prices about food, about energy independence and it's getting past the graphs and diagrams and numbers and start to speak
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to women at the heart level and at the level of their families, and about their everyday problems. and we can do that. one of the problems, love fox news, got to be on fox news, but i think a lot of republicans are intimidated to go into mainstream media because they know it's liberal and i think they've got to put their big boy pants on and they've got to get out there and get that message into where people are. >> mike: i couldn't agree more. i think it's very important. crystal, the same basic question here. >> sure. >> mike: do the republicans need to change their message? >> no, absolutely not, governor huckabee. you know what i said and i'm going to agree with a lot of what rachel said, we need to start defending conservativism because the values work. we've got to stop apologizing for it. like rachel said he we need to put more women out in the trenches on television, in magazines because i'm a woman, rachel is a woman. i'm a black woman.
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rachel is a mexican-american woman we have the diversity and message and just like minorities and governor huckabee, you know about this because you got a huge sizable portion of the black vote when you ran for governor, you get it, right? it's bothering to have a relationship and i also want to add one thing, the democrats have objectified women and turned women into their body parts, really, and their female parts. as michelle malkin said, we're more than our lady parts, more than our vaginas, and i think i can say that on tv. >> mike: you just did. >> and you know what we should have said last year, governor huckabee you should have had people like me and rachel and celebrities out there saying hey, i'm pissed of off, mr., president obama, do not objectify me, i care about my job, putting food on the table for my children. democrats would never go
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around talking about sexua issues with men, and we've just got to stop it and we have to smile about it and we have to say, women you know, all the young women i spoke to at cpac, crystal, contraception is not the main issue, paying my loans on and pissed off when democrats talk down to me. >> and rachel, of one spoke at g.o.p. needs to go away from roe versus wade. >> one of the issues how to get the hispanic vote and i had a very interesting experience. they are telling us, tone down the social issues, tone down. with hispanics not a very smart idea. i had a pro-life activist that told me she actually worked in loretta sanchez's district and
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loretta sanchez mexica mexican-american and they knocked on the door and told her position on partial birth abortion and you know what she told me, every single one of them took the signs out of their yard. so, it may not be the number one issue that hispanics vote on, i'll tell you we've got to deal with immigration to get past that, but it's a fabulous, awesome contrasting issue, it tells where are their values and where are the republican values, so do not, do not be seduced by these experts and these consultants that are telling you that. you know, if you want to reach hispanics in particular, they care about life. >> mike: yeah, chris, go ahead. >> i was going to jump in. i think what we need to talk differently about women's health issues and i don't think we need to lead with roe versus wade, i'm probably going to disagree both of you on this, i don't see it being
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repealed anytime soon and i don't think that's an issue, number one issue important to women, and conservative women. i think what we should be be talking about is that we, as a party, encourage women to have choice in how they live their lives and when it comes to being respecting the life of the unborn, i think we need to be talking about teaching young women self-esteem and i think of talking about abstinence. we need to be really, again, defending the principles that work. we don't want any young woman to have an unwanted pregnancy. while we're talking about pro-life, pro-life is empowering women to not get pregnant and have unwanted pregnancy. >> i can tell you i had an unwanted pregnancy that brought me a lot of unplanned joy so unplanned pregnancy brought unplanned joy. so i-- >> but rachel, and i want to get something in. >> sure. >> i think that we can agree on. i'm not saying that yes, you embrace the unplanned pregnancy, i'm not saying--
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for you it worked and for some young women they struggle and go to the catholic church and they have to think about adoption. they can't necessarily not in the position to raise their child and that's not what i'm talking about. i'm talking about elaine bennett has a great program called best friends and now what she does, she's in like 16 states and district of columbia. teaches a curriculum in public schools, self-esteem and character building and teaches girls to delay sexual activity until they're out of high school and go to college. >> mike: we're out of time, but this is fascinating and have to get you both in the studio very, he very noon. great to have you both. >> coming up, america's got talent finalist, they're going to be joining the little rockers with a twist on an old country classic you don't want to miss. dad, i'd put that down.
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♪ because there ain't no doubt in all this land god please the usa ♪ ♪ god bless the usa ♪ >> their unique blend of country and classical music ended them on america's got talent. country roots, classical sound. welcome jc, marcus collins and john haggan, and also with us today the little rockers, and steve on guitar, jeff on keyes and michael harper on drums. guys, it's great having you here. >> thank you. >> mike: your blend of music is pretty incredible because you kind of cross every genre imaginable. marcus, how do you maintain some versatility with the type
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of music you do? >> well, it helps that we love all of these different genres that we sing and just performing music that we love makes a big difference. we pick every song on the album and pick every song on the show because we love great music with great melodies and a positive inspiration and portray to the crowds and listeners. >> mike: the biggest thrill ever is say peering on this show and i know you feel that way. >> having you play with us. [applause] >> and that's what usually happens, it's downhill from here. but we want to play a song that's going to be on your next album and really is kind of interesting, the texas tenors doing a tennessee song with a guy from arkansas. we're trying to cover all the bases, but i think that people are going to love this and it's a little song called rocky top. ♪
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1, 2, 3, 4. ♪ i wish that i was on ole rocky top down in the tennessee hill ♪ ♪ there ain't no smoke, no smog on rocky top, ain't no telephone bill ♪ ♪ and once i had a girl on rocky top ♪ ♪ i still dream about that ♪ ♪ rocky top you'll always be ♪ ♪ home sweet home to me ♪ ♪ good old rocky top ♪ ♪ rocky top tennessee ♪ ♪ rocky top tennessee ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ rocky top you'll always be ♪ ♪ home sweet home to me ♪ ♪ good old rocky top ♪ ♪ rocky top tennessee ♪ ♪ rocky top tennessee ♪ take it away. ♪ ♪ rocky top you'll always be home sweet home to me ♪ ♪ good old rocky top ♪ ♪ rocky top tennessee, rocky
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top tennessee ♪ ♪ ♪ rocky top you'll always be, home sweet home to me ♪ ♪ good old rocky top, rocky top tennessee ♪ ♪ rocky top tennessee ♪ ♪ rocky top tennessee ♪ (applause) >> the texas tenors. and a great version of rocky top. we're going to hose down the room burning up with great music. thanks for joining us tonight. hope you had a great time on this st. patrick's day weekend.
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until next week from new york, this is mike huckabee, good night and god bless. ♪ ♪ rocky top you'll always be home sweet home to me ♪ ♪ good old rocky top ♪ ♪ rocky top tennessee ♪ humans. even when we cross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems. namely, other humans. which is why at liberty mutual insurance, to policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify. see what ee comes standard at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? like shin splints... over here. or runner's knee... ah. i recommend dr. scholl's active series insoles with triple zone protection to help reduce pain from thr sports injuries. i can feel the difference. i'm a believer ! dr. scholl's active series. i'm a believer.


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